Call for Workshops / Short CoursesDue to the current events related to Covid-19, the conference will be organized virtually by videoconference. The ECSIA 2021 technical program will highlight a series of Workshops / Short Courses to complement the regular program with new or emerging topics of particular interest to the stereology and image processing community. Prospective organizers of Workshops / Short Courses should submit proposals with the following information:
Upon acceptance of the Workshops proposal, the contributed abstract papers will be submitted in the same format as regular abstract papers. Organizers should not contribute more than one paper. Proposals will be evaluated based on the timeliness of the topic and on the qualifications of the organizers. The abstract papers in each accepted Workshop will undergo a review process, similar to the other regular papers. In case a paper in a Workshop does not meet the expected quality, it will be rejected and an effort will be made to draw papers from the regular submission process to fill in the gap. If too many papers for a given Workshop are not accepted and we are unable to find suitable substitutes from the regular review pool, the Workshop may be canceled. Proposals should be submitted in PDF file format by E-mail to the ECSIA’2021 general chair. Deadlines
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